Oswald font was designed by Vernon Adams. And this font is a product of the long-term development process. First of all, the author re-drew the stroke to superior match the pixel grid of regular digital screens.
You can Oswald font for your computer system, especially with a desktop internet browser. This font was released in 2011 and was updated continually until 2015 by the author.
Download Oswald font
Oswald sans font
Oswald ExtraLight
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Oswald LightItalic
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Oswald Regular
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Oswald RegularItalic
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Oswald MediumItalic
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Oswald DemiBold
[fontsampler id=43]
Oswald Demi-BoldItalic
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Oswald BoldItalic
[fontsampler id=45]
Oswald Bold
[fontsampler id=46]
Oswald Heavy
[fontsampler id=47]
Oswald HeavyItalic
[fontsampler id=48]
Oswald Stencil Bold
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