Salty Feathers is a new classy delicate Handwritten font with a unique Signature style. This Script font has a delicate and natural handwritten script look. It was designed and published by Sans And Sons. And the well-rounded and distinct characters of this font make every design become a true masterpiece. Salty Feathers font is PUA encoded so that you can easily access all of the swashes and glyphs.
Salty Feathers font is classic, strong, simple, clean, and has a great hand-drawn look. This Signature Script font is suitable for nature photography, branding materials, logos, t-shirt, business cards, print, digital lettering, t-shirt, quotes, posters, and any graphic design.
Salty Feathers Handwritten Signature font
Here at, we are providing this Salty Feathers font and the whole font family for free and you can download it for free. So click on the download button and keep it on your device. Make sure to use it just for your personal use.
This font is FREE for personal use. The full version of this font for commercial use, buy it HERE.
Add this font to your most creative design ideas, the professional, or premium design projects, and notice how it makes them become a stand out product!
Download Salty Feathers font FREE